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The Pursuit of Happiness

By Ashley McIlwain Our society is obsessed with the concept of happiness. We are motivated to make decisions based purely on having an emotional status of happy. People promote this message and encourage others to chase after the unrealistic and impossible expectation that life should always be filled with happiness, and if it isn’t then

Loving Community Living

By Ashlee Chu Community living is an opportunity to live with and love others. These communities may include family, friends, coworkers, and classmates with each creating their own unique dynamics and opportunities. Living in such a community forces us to seek the well being of others before ourselves as well as love our roommate(s) unconditionally.

Courageous: An Interview With Stephen Kendrick – Part 1

By Ashley McIlwain Associate pastor at Sherwood Baptist Church, co-writer and producer of all four of Sherwood Pictures films, co-writer for several books including New York Times bestseller The Love Dare, Stephen Kendrick is a man of God that is making a difference. A father of four and committed husband, his integrity and leadership starts

Shock and Awe

By Steve McIlwain Hubs here. I have a co-worker that has developed his own credo; a set of values that he strives to achieve at work.  He designed them from a deep desire to be the best he can be and consistently endeavor to improve.  One of the principles in his credo is “shock and

A Real Man

By Ashley McIlwain Call me sentimental, but my Dad is having a landmark birthday, and it got me to thinking about a lot of stuff. When you’re a kid, you think time is standing still. It’s as if everything will always be as it is in those moments as a child. The next thing you

Back to School

By Ashlee Chu Summer coming to a close marks the beginning of a new academic year. This time of year brings lessons waiting to be learned that will eventually filter into our educational, professional, and personal relationships. Having the proper school supplies are what can help us be geared up and ready to learn in

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