By Ricinda Perry

Week 3 into my 90 day challenge.

PHYSICAL UPDATE:  I made it on a 6.2 mile run this week and am going to try and keep that as a goal distance I hit at least twice a week.

Dieting … Physical discipline is relatively easy for me.  I enjoy getting out there and breathing in fresh air and that painful muscle feeling that makes it impossible to sit down with grace thrills me.  Forgoing the “good stuff” on a menu, counting carbs, points or calories is excruciating.  To top it off, I have a very picky family who struggles with vegetables.  What is the point of making a great big salad when my two year old and I are the only ones eating it?  I have to eat salad for my every meal over the next three days to get through that head of lettuce.  I then have salad burn out and find my car mysteriously drawn to that Chick-fil-A drive-thru for a number 1.

At least my family enjoys chicken … so this week I went onto my Pinterest account and categorized my food pins by pulling out all of the chicken recipes.  I then printed them off and will be making a chicken meal every day of the week until my recipes run out.  Lofty goal?  Perhaps, but I do plan to cut out those “dining out meals” until after Christmas.  I also put together a board for fun, kid-friendly healthy snacks.  My MOPS group did a session on making fruits and vegetables fun for kids so I am going to take a stab at fun and creative snacks.  Feel free to check out my Pinterest page, and send some pins my way. Swing by and check out the Foundation Restoration Pinterest page while you’re at it.

SPIRITUAL UPDATE:  Bible study is going strong, and I am really enjoying this vacation time in my week.  That’s honestly what it feels like to get together for two hours with happy Godly women.  The scripture that really hit me this week is James 1:5-7.  If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.  But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.  That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does. 

Whew!  That is such a wonderful gift and promise!  How many times have you wondered how to address a problem with your child, your spouse, or at work?  Fill in the blank:  If only I knew how to _________.  According to Jesus’s half brother, James, all you have to do is ask God for wisdom.  He will give it to you GENEROUSLY, and He won’t find any fault in you when bestowing this gift.  There are two conditions to receiving wisdom.  You must ask, and you must believe.

For any of you who are married, dating, or have kids, I am sure you can relate to God’s request here of asking for wisdom.  How many times I wish my husband could pick up on my mental radar and help around the house with something.  Stephen has told me that if I would have just asked, he would have helped.  Oh how frustrated I get with my daughter when she starts grunting and acting out without articulating what she needs.  “Victoria, use your words … tell mommy what you want.”  Many times I can read her mind, but I just want her to tell me rather than fuss about it.  As soon as that request comes out, I snap to it and get her what she wants.  I think this is similar to the dynamic we have with God.  Sure He knows what you are going through and what you need, but He wants a relationship with you.  He desires to have you talk with Him and for you to demonstrate to Him an outward expression of humility that you truly need Him and His help.  Doesn’t it just melt your heart when your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or child looks at you in the eye and says in the most sincere way, “I need you … I need your help with this situation?” I believe God is just waiting for us to come running to Him and for us to share our need for His “advice” on the problem.  After all, He already knows the outcome.

Once you have taken the step to ask for wisdom, you then need to believe He is there and will give it to you.  I find this part more challenging because I cannot “prove” my belief.  There is no evidence that I can pull together and then take to God and say, here’s my belief.  After much thought about this I have found some ways to get me there:

  1. READ the Bible.  “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). The Bible is chock full of examples where someone has asked for God’s wisdom in a tough situation and been granted it.  For God to grant you the wisdom to choose the right school for your son or daughter is a piece of cake compared to Moses’ need for wisdom on how to approach Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, or for Solomon to rule over his entire kingdom after his father David, a spiritual giant!  In addition to so many examples of God’s grant of wisdom, you will find lots of encouraging promises and proverbs on the topic, i.e., you only need faith as that of a mustard seed (Mt 17:20), ask for wisdom in Jesus’ name (Jn 16:20), and countless nuggets in the book of Proverbs.
  2. Look carefully for wise people, and seek their counsel.  (By the way, this is Biblical according to the book of Proverbs. See, e.g. Prov. 13:10, 13:20.)
  3. Ask the Holy Spirit to renew your mind.  Our minds get all cluttered up from life’s craziness.  Ask the Holy Spirit to renew your mind so that you may seek wisdom and God’s will for your problem or issue.  Romans 8:6 and 12:2, Ephesians 4:23, and Titus 3:5.
  4. Once you have asked God for wisdom, STOP SAYING “I don’t know what to do…” and thank God for granting you the wisdom that you need to handle this situation.
  5. Recognize that any confusion you feel is not from God.  (I Corinthians 14:33)  Confusion is a crafty tool that Satan uses to muddy the waters, oppress and overwhelm you.  Ask God to take the spirit of confusion away, and while you’re at it, ask Him to take away your double-mindedness on the matter.
  6. Give yourself some trial runs on the smaller problems. 

MARITAL UPDATE:  Love tips are in full force and working.  My in-laws took Victoria last night to give my hubby and me a date night. I’m still looking for your ideas!  Share your progress with me! Keep up the good work.  Christmas is 64 days away!

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