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Tradition Re-Born

By Steve McIlwain Hubs here. For the first 27 years of my life, Christmas was always the same … and I loved it.  Then, I got married. Every year, more or less, the routine was set.  On Christmas Eve Mom cooked homemade soup and freshly made bread.  After that we attended Christmas Eve service at

The Heart of Giving

By Ashley McIlwain One of the greatest parts of Christmas is the generosity that seems to so prevalently accompany it. People are more aware of the needs of others, and they are more willing and receptive to meeting those needs. It’s a wonderful part of this time of year, which got me to thinking a

Holiday Hurdles

By Ashley McIlwain Thanksgiving has just passed, and Christmas is approaching. It’s the most wonderful time of year with so much to be thankful for and celebrate. But sometimes, it can be stressful, frustrating, and overwhelming too. With all of the parties, packages, problems to solve, and places to be, there are times when the

Changing Of Seasons

By Carol McIlwain Sometimes, living in California, it’s hard to really appreciate the change of seasons.  Our weather is mild, and we usually don’t experience the dramatic changes that other areas in the country enjoy.  We also don’t have snow, bugs, hurricanes or lots of leaves to rake, but that is another story for another

Submission Gone Wrong

By Ashley McIlwain One of the most debated over and misunderstood concepts in marriage is submission. At the mention of the word, people get up in arms. Everyone seems to have such a strongly formulated view of what submission is and how it plays out in marriage. Yet, there’s a lot of confusion, frustration, and


By Steve McIlwain Hubs here. The holiday season has begun.  Thanksgiving is almost here.  Decorations are going up all over the place.  Yet this holiday season has begun with a bit of a somber tone for us.  A good friend of the family (a wife, mom, and grandmother) recently passed away from cancer.  Other friends

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