By Ricinda Perry

Anyone feeling a bit run down these days?  I would not change the pace I am moving at during this wonderful time of the year, but I definitely find myself wearing down some.  As attorneys, my husband and I find ourselves in rapid fire mode, churning out our work projects during this time of the year—everyone wants to get things wrapped up and in order for the start of the New Year.  (Can’t believe I just typed that … 2012 really did fly by us.)  Our precious Victoria is taking in every Christmas light, sparkle, and musical note during this time, and we feel the pressure to make everything special and memorable for her.  As I have mentioned previously, Pinterest is killing me with all of these wonderful crafts, baked goods, treats, gifts and ideas!  Where do these people find the time to be so creative?  I can hardly make it to Hobby Lobby to get supplies … in fact, I can hardly find time to write the shopping list for the craft/project.  Are you getting the picture?

Fortunately for me, you, my precious audience, keep me accountable!  In preparation for my weekly article, I am forced to pause and be sure I am living out my advice.

Here’s a look at my week.

Rather than run around trying to eek out every minute in my errand day this past Monday, I took as much time as my daughter wanted to enjoy a Chic-fil-a breakfast with some indoor playground time before we did our Black Friday returns.  While playing with her on the gym, she kept asking me for a “boost” to get her to the next platform.  “Mom, can you please give me a boost?”  Victoria saw what she wanted, had a goal in mind, but couldn’t quite do it on her own.  Hmmm … sounded like me!  Here is where I clicked my pause button and said a little prayer while watching her zoom down the slide.

Lord, I need a boost.  This is my favorite time of the year.  I love the excitement of it all, and I love that You gave us this season with the birth of Jesus.  I have so many responsibilities and plans on my plate and just need You to help me reach the next one … be my cheerleader, and help me to find the joy I see in my daughter as she reaches the next level from my “boost.”  

We continued on in our day, stopping for another break during lunch time for her to jump on a couple of those silly fifty cent rides and to eat her favorite meal at a local restaurant.  Again, I hit the pause button and made it a time truly for us … shutting off my phone, but not before snapping off a picture of me with my little lunch date.

This took me to my next focus point … my marriage.  Does my wonderful spouse need a little “boost”?  As I mentioned earlier, we are both burning it at both ends during this time of the year.  With his birthday just under a week away, I decided to give him a pre-birthday moment and share one of the presents we picked out for Stephen.  I am hoping to find some time to give his tired feet a rub.

Exercise also needed a boost, so we called in reinforcements and got our trainer back on schedule with us.  If only I could be more disciplined during this season to follow a routine, but I need that help and commitment to follow through on this self-improvement goal.

Are you hanging in there?  Do you need a boost?

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