By Ricinda Perry

Argh … I’m trying to cool down from my first day back at exercising.  There is a saying:  A body in motion, stays in motion.  A body at rest, stays at rest.  I think this theory holds true for physical fitness, spiritual fitness, and marital fitness.  I’m going to invite you to join me in a 90 day plan to improve me … all of me!

Here’s what I do know, the above-referenced fitness categories work together and influence each other.  When I was physically fit, I felt good about being involved in things and interacting with my husband.  Playing with my daughter was easy.  At the beginning of the summer, I suffered a painful back injury (during a rigorous training session) that has really set me back.  After popping in my Krispy Kreme donut and enjoying a pumpkin spiced caffeinated beverage this morning, I decided it is time.  Fall is just around the corner, which means Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming soon.  I want to look good for all of those family photos.

As I began to plan my strategy for success (thanks to Pinterest), I thought this would be a great opportunity to improve all of me.  Here is my plan.  I welcome feedback and suggestions.  I would also love to hear of any inspiring or get real stories throughout this 90 day challenge … There may be a surprise for a winning story to share.

That being said, here is my plan and what I will be sharing over the coming three months.

1. WEEKS 1 and 2:


    • FOOD: I am planning on modifying our dinner meals.  Breakfast and lunch will remain as they currently do, but dinner will be carb-lite to carb free.
    • EXERCISE:  I printed off some great targeted body part exercises I will do three times a week along with 5-7 days a week using a new app on my IPhone for couch to 5K training.
  2. SPIRITUAL:  Start or end my day with Praise (3 chapters of Psalms) and Wisdom (1 Chapter of Proverbs) and read a page out of my devotional book.  If you take on Psalms and Proverbs this way, you should finish them in 30 days.
  3. MARITAL:  A little act of love each day for my spouse.  I’ll post a week of suggestions for each of my weekly entries.

REWARD – Why not double up on time with my daughter and rewarding myself?  I am going to treat me and my daughter to either a joint spa treatment or a little shopping trip either once a month or for each five pounds of success.

MOTIVATION – Obviously pictures of my progress, and I’m keeping each empty water bottle from my day of 5K training.

PROGRESS – Day 1 – My face is still beat red, and I’m drenched.  Running in 89 degree weather at 80% humidity doesn’t do much for the ‘ol motivation.  I can’t believe I used to run 5 miles in this stuff without feeling like I was dying!  When the GPS-sounding lady said I was on my last minute, you would have thought I just won a gold medal at the Olympics.  Tonight is chicken and broccoli stir-fry.  Act of kindness for my husband – getting the stain out of his favorite pants.  Bible time – check!  I did it all, and I know Satan is trying to defeat me by overwhelming me with how unfit I have become, but I am going to do this for my husband, daughter, and most importantly, me.  Time to get ready for Day 2.

Stay tuned for weekly updates including my progress, tips, recipes, encouragement, and more! Please, share your own journey with me too!

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