By Steve McIlwain

Hubs here.

Gobble, gobble.  It’s that time of year.  Time for turkey. Pilgrims, pumpkin pie, the Macy’s parade, and going around the table saying something you’re thankful for.

Thanksgiving is a two-way street of expressing and receiving gratitude.  It’s a refreshing feeling to express the things you are thankful for.  For most of us, that list is longer than we could ever say (whether we realize it or not), yet for some reason we seldom verbalize it.  We are incredibly blessed with family, friends, homes, cars, jobs, food, vacations, toys, and much, much more.

It’s also nice being on the receiving end of someone’s appreciation.  It is tremendously satisfying to hear someone articulate their gratitude for you.  That’s not why you do all the nice things you do, but it is exhilarating and satisfying to receive confirmation that your love and hard work has paid off.

No one deserves this sense of appreciation more than your spouse.  The list of things they do for you is longer than you could ever say (again, whether you realize it or not).  Spouses do so much for each other and a large part of it tends to go unnoticed or is simply expected.  Thanksgiving is the perfect time to shed light on all those unspoken compliments.

“Thanks” comes in all shapes and sizes; it doesn’t have to be a verbal list.  Spouses have different love languages so maybe it’s a present with a note that says, “I’m thankful for you.”  Maybe it’s a massage gift certificate for your wife who also doubles as the world’s busiest mom with a note that reads, “I’m thankful that our kids have an amazing mom like you.”  Perhaps you plan an intimate dinner for just the two of you and write a note saying, “I’m most thankful for you.”  Maybe you take over your spouse’s chores for a day or two and let them know “I’m thankful for all the hard work you do to keep our home looking good.”  You can be as creative as you want to express thanks to your spouse.

This seems like the ideal opportunity to provide my own thankful list for my wife and share it with you all in hopes you’ll do the same for your special someone.  Hopefully we express this kinda stuff more than once a year, but this is a golden opportunity to convey gratitude to the person that loves you most.

Here’s a small snippet of reasons I’m thankful for my sweet, sweet baby:

  • Thankful to come home from work to a smile and a hug.
  • Thankful to be looked at like a prince.
  • Thankful to be cared for when I’m sick or feeling down.
  • Thankful to live life with my best friend.
  • Thankful to have someone that says, “Hold me” (it’s pretty cute).
  • Thankful to travel the world with my favorite partner in crime.
  • Thankful that someone knows me more intimately than I ever thought possible.
  • Thankful to have someone that loves me selflessly, when I don’t deserve it.
  • Thankful to have someone to snuggle with on the couch and watch movies.
  • Thankful to have someone to laugh with (cause we’re pretty hilarious).
  • Thankful to have someone to argue with and then make-up.
  • Thankful to have someone tell me the truth, even when it hurts me.

Alright, it’s your turn!!!  Why are you thankful for your spouse?  Write them a letter, Facebook him/her, email your list, make them a video, tell them all the reasons you love them.  Yes, it can be awkward. Yes, you might be terrible at it. Yes, it’s probably the last thing you want to do (I’m talking to you, guys). But if you can’t express thankfulness to your spouse during Thanksgiving, when can you??  Do more than eat turkey and watch football.  Truly thank your spouse for everything they do for you.  Without them, you’d have much less to be thankful for.

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