Photo Compliments of Jessica Lorren Photography

Thankfully His By Ashlee Chu

The holiday season always seems to bring about joy, togetherness and a whole lot of change. For some though, it also brings up feelings of loneliness, emptiness, and bitter memories. So, it only seems fitting with Thanksgiving next week that everyone takes the time to realize just how thankful they can be. Being thankful for not only having things or having loved ones, but thankful for what has been lost and what is yet to be had. Having gratitude for things already in our possession is simple; however, when we feel alone or without, it makes the pressure of a jolly spirit seem unattainable.

With Christmas decorations lining the malls and gift ads all over, I am tempted to dwell on the fact that I have no one special to shop for. Instead, I have found a way to bring the holiday joy into my single life. Rather than focus on what I don’t have, I choose to take it as an opportunity to love and give my attention to those I am fortunate to be surrounded by this season. They have come to be the ones that make my holidays warm and unforgettable.

With your loved ones in mind and remembering that there is a season for everything, know that you are not alone. The verses Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 shares, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…” Therefore, be comforted this holiday season and ease your heart with those words from the Lord. Wherever you find yourself during this time, remember that it will not last forever and cherish the moments it brings you.

A final thought: be content with who you are and who you have. As for me, I’m thankfully His.

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