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Distracted From Life

By Ashley McIlwain You’re sitting at a restaurant and can’t help but notice the family sitting at a table nearby. The kids are playing games on their iPads and gaming devices oblivious to the world around them. The mom and dad are completely engrossed in something on their phones not paying attention to their kids

The Joy of Loving

By Ashley McIlwain From across the room I watch him. There’s a gentleness in his eyes and an ease in his movements that bring me comfort. The concentration on his handsome face puts a smile on mine. Somehow he embodies strength and tenderness all at the same time. As he strums away at his guitar,


By Coleen York “He completes me.” “She’s my better half.” “I just knew there was something missing … until I met him.” If you’ve been breathing for about half a millisecond, you’ve probably heard someone somewhere saying some version of these statements. Maybe YOU have even proclaimed one of these clichéd, yet popular, sayings. Not

More Than A Stupid Game

By Ashley McIlwain “There it is. Another stupid game is on the television. How many games can he possibly watch? How many sports can he possibly keep tabs on? It’s unbelievable!” This inner, sometimes outer, dialogue probably resonates with a lot of you women out there. Your man is seemingly obsessed with sports. He has

Up, Over, Down

By Steve McIlwain Hubs here. Part of every relationship’s journey is a relationship journey.  What does that even mean?  While the obvious connection at hand is your own marriage, it is also vital to cultivate strong, edifying friendships with other couples along the way.  It is validating, inspiring, and enlightening to spend time with couples

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