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Catch of the Day

By Ashley McIlwain Here I was watching this man struggle to pull in whatever it was he had snagged on the end of his fishing line. Back and forth. Tugs and pulls. Focused and poised. It was shocking how much effort went into reeling in this watery creature. I mean, there wasn’t even any guarantee

First Things First

By Coleen York You know that amazing feeling you get when you meet someone you really connect with? That feeling that whispers, “Hey … there could really be a future here …” and leaves you awake all night thinking, hoping, and praying that it’s true? And let’s just say that a wonderful relationship is birthed


By Coleen York I’m not one to stand on the corner on a very tall box yelling at couples to “leave room for the Holy Spirit,” or telling singles, “Thou shalt not flirt unless thou art getting married to the subject of your flirtations.” However … Don’t you hate the “however?” It’s like that split

The Cornerstones of Dating

By Coleen York Relationships can be established on a lot of different things. Hobbies, looks, goals, occupations, sex, talent, church, fame. But ultimately, there are four basic (but major) foundations on which relationships can be built. 1)      Physical 2)      Personality 3)      Emotional 4)      Spiritual Seems pretty standard. Unfortunately, relationships can be built on all or

Baby Fever

By Ashley McIlwain “So, when are you guys going to have some babies?!” This was a question posed to my husband and me … at our wedding reception. We hadn’t been married but an hour, and the baby question was already being asked. I remember being dumbfounded wondering if it was some sort of odd


By Coleen York “He completes me.” “She’s my better half.” “I just knew there was something missing … until I met him.” If you’ve been breathing for about half a millisecond, you’ve probably heard someone somewhere saying some version of these statements. Maybe YOU have even proclaimed one of these clichéd, yet popular, sayings. Not

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